1. When You Shouldn’t Use Ziploc Bags For Medication
I always enjoy reading the Mobal newsletter and have incorporated many useful suggestions into my travel. However, as I read this poster’s advice on using Ziploc bags to carry prescription meds, I had to respond.
Every travel/airline website I have ever read states clearly that prescriptions should travel “in their original containers.” I do have some meds that the pharmacist always puts in larger than needed containers, but I figure the small amount of room they take up would be far less of a pain that to answer detailed questions about individual pills, some of which I know I would be unable to answer.
When I travel by car and no inspection of luggage is expected, then of course, I combine meds into small bags for convenience, but not so much to save space.
Just my thoughts on this.
I enjoy having the Mobal telephone for our trips outside the US. This year – Italy!
Paige Deal
2. How To Keep Smaller Items Of Clothing From Creasing In Your Luggage
I enjoy wearing scarves, but don’t like to see them get creased. I’ve discovered that if you save the cardboard tube from a used-up roll of paper towels or wrapping paper, you can use it to roll up your scarf and pack it along the side of a suitcase. (You can cut the tube down to size if necessary.) Once you’ve rolled the scarf around the tube, you can add a bit of protection by then rolling it in the kind of thin paper that comes with new clothing. This was really helpful on a recent trip. Don’t know why I didn’t think of it sooner.
Betty Sheldon
Glenview, IL
3. Why You Should Never Need To Over pack
Hi Michael,
I’ve worked in Denmark, the Caribbean, and many ports on the East Coast. I’ve had a lot of packing experience for trips ranging from one week to three months. One thing that plagued me the first few times was over-packing. Remember, when going to Europe or the UK, they have everything we have, and it is so much easier to buy at the local “Wal-Mart” than pack everything you think you will need. Buy things like “T” shirts and shampoo, and it’s fun too!
Paul Wolters, Fredericksburg, Texas
4. How To Use Your Trip To Refresh Your Wardrobe
Pack your travel bag with old socks, underwear, etc. clothing that I wear on the airplane will be discarded 100% when I arrive at my hotel. Winter coat and sweaters for northern countries are also discarded prior to arriving for a visit south. Yes, the socks & Underwear with 50% to 70% of the other items picked, never make it home. However, the space is taken up with new purchases for gifts and personal items from wonderful venders and shops found during my visit.
When I return home I find new slacks, shirts, socks & underwear. Life is great.
John, Sun City Center, FL
5. Use Your Mobal World Phone As A Temporary Torch
I used my Mobal World Phone in London as a flashlight to find the keyhole to the front door of our house we rented. So then promptly used it to find the keys buried in my purse!
Renee Gauthier
Prescriptions in original packaging can take up space if you have a lot. I’ve asked the pharmacist for extra label, or given them a small zip baggie for pills & put the label on the zip baggie… then have the prescription information & takes up less space. So far, I haven’t had a problem clearing any official inspection.