To help bring a little travel inspiration to your fellow Mobal Member’s for 2011, share what your best ever vacation was and why?
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To help bring a little travel inspiration to your fellow Mobal Member’s for 2011, share what your best ever vacation was and why?
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My best vacation was 4 years ago in Turkey in Bodrum. I spend a great time there with my whole family. We didn`t want to do the typical beach holiday, so we decided to charter a boat and with it we travelled along the coast. It was so beatiful and we saw a lot from the country. For me, my absolute best vacation ever!
For everyone who is interested in Chartering, we booked it here. I can only recommend it!
I suppose my best overall trip was to China. The country is so vast and different wherever you go. The Chinese people were much friendlier than I had anticipated. I visited about a year after the SARS epidemic, and tourism had pretty much dried up. I was in one the few post-SARS visits and we were especially welcomed. We had first-class accomodations. The food was wonderful. We had knowlegable and friendly tour guides, not ‘watchers’.