Using Twitter on Your Satellite Phone


Iridium recently posted about two customers who made history using Iridium satellite phones with Twitter to update followers from some of the farthest corners of the Earth.

Eric Larsen, the renowned arctic explorer, became the first person ever to tweet from the North Pole using an Iridium satellite phone in 2010. Felicity Ashton, the first woman ever to cross Antarctica alone, was interviewed by NPR in her sleeping bag while using her Iridium Extreme™, also tweeted.

While Iridium satellite phones have been used by customers with Twitter since early 2010 through a separate Twitter Mail program, now it’s even easier. Twitter now directly supports Iridium as a mobile carrier, allowing Iridium satellite phone users to send tweets straight to Twitter using SMS. This means no more intermediary solutions and a simplified set-up.

If you’re interested in enabling this feature, it’s simple. Here’s how you do it:

1.) Login to your Twitter account:

  • Go into your Twitter account settings
  • Select “Mobile” settings
  • In the “Country/region” list, scroll to the end where satellite providers are listed and select “Iridium”
  • Next, enter your Iridium phone number and click “Activate” and keep the webpage open

2.) Take your Iridium satellite phone outside:

  • Power it on in an area with an open view of the sky
  • Once registered, select “Menu”, then scroll to “Messages” and then “Create Message”
  • Type in “Go” as the message, select “Options”, and then “Send”
  • Select “Add” for “New Recipient”, select “Enter Number” and type in 40404 and hit “OK”
  • Press the left option key to “Send” to complete Twitter verification of Iridium SMS address

3.) Return inside and confirm that Twitter has verified your Iridium SMS settings.

  • Once registration is successful, you will see a message on your Twitter page that states “Your phone is verified”
  • Next, select your mobile notifications on the screen to complete your enrollment
  • You are now ready to send tweets from your Iridium satellite phone


Tips for use of Twitter from your Iridium satellite phone:

  • To simplify use of Twitter from your Iridium satellite phone, you should create a stored Phonebook entry for “Twitter” and program the 40404 messaging address
  • Once this is programmed, tweets sent to your Iridium phonebook’s Twitter entry will automatically post on your Twitter account
  • Your Iridium satellite phone will store up to 30 messages sent and received. Additional messages will need to be deleted to accept or send new messages. You will be notified when you have reached capacity
  • Standard SMS rates apply to use of Iridium messaging for Twitter SMS

To rent an Iridium satellite phone from us click here…>>

To buy an Iridium satellite phone from us click here…>>

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