Mobal’s Krizevac Project is a charity helping African communities with the support of our customers.
Some of the visitors to our website lately may have noticed that there have been some big changes.
The digital bulldozers and cranes of code have been hard at work moving things about and shaping the domain into something clear in purpose and more reflective of our goals.
We’ve redesigned the webpage to draw greater attention to what we are doing with the hard-earned dollars of those that have invested in our international cell phones, satellite phones and data-only SIMs.
Mobal is donating over 90% of all profits to a number of communities in need in Africa through our Krizevac Project charity.

The Project
The Krizevac Project’s contributions in Africa include a primary school which was built to support the community of Chilmoni, Malawi, just outside of Blantyre.
When Mobal turned to the people of Chilmoni to see what else was needed, the resulting overwhelming chorus of answers was “JOBS!”
Thus was formed the Beehive Center for Social Enterprise, a locally managed project that allows entrepreneurs in the area to start new ventures and businesses which all operate as not-for-profits that reinvest their gains and successes back into the community.
A leadership and IT institute has been opened to help students develop entrepreneurial and leadership skills that they then use to benefit their local community, as opposed to paying fees.
The Mother Theresa Children’s Center is the first of its kind in Malawi to be based on the UK Sure Start children’s center model, focusing on a balanced approach to education and healthcare to prepare children for life and school, regardless of background or family circumstances.
The Krizevac Project intends to spread this type of community-building assistance to 15 countries all around Africa by the year 2033, planting a seed of support that will grow and spread to surrounding areas with a self-propagating and locally-driven vitality.

How You Are Helping
As mentioned above, over 90% of the profit we make from our international communications products and services goes directly to our projects in Africa.
We’d be grateful if you’d have a look around our fancy-pants new webpage, and maybe have a look at exactly what we’ve been doing with the fruits of your custom!
There are pictures of the direct results of your purchases from Mobal, and the amazing benefits to the communities there you are helping to support.
Maybe you’ve bought one of our international cell phones to keep in touch in over 190 countries all around the world. Perhaps you frequently rent phones while abroad, or have been using one of our data-only SIMs to stay connected and avoid the frenetic internet cafes.
Whatever Mobal Communications product you may be skipping around the world with, we thank you, and so does the community of Chilmoni, Malawi!
In the future, your business will allow us to further contribute to a growing number of communities in more and more countries, and we hope you’ll follow the development of each one along with us.
Thank you!