Is Swine Flu a real danger or just another over-hyped media circus?

If there’s one thing that the media love, it’s an epidemic that’s going to bring an end to the human race as we know it.

But has their doom-mongering got to you yet?

Do you fear swine flu, or do you think the media has blown something out of all proportions again? (Remember bird flu!)

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13 thoughts on “Is Swine Flu a real danger or just another over-hyped media circus?”

  1. How To Prevent Flu

    I wouldn’t say I’m panicking about it, but I’m at least concerned. I may take a few extra precautions when it comes to hygiene. However, I won’t go into an all-out panic about it. Everything falls into place with time, so I wouldn’t say that swine flu is to become a permanent threat. Either way, though, we should probably still be careful.

  2. Charles Jeter

    No, I do not fear swine flu. There is always a possibility of any number of diseases as we travel throughout the world; however, we must continue to take the usual precautions recommended by the CDC, and by the travel industry. I think the press dosen’t really mean to create hysteria; however, there’s always the pressue to reveal a story first and the competition gets really crazy after that. I think they are people trying to make a living, but in a bit over-the-top fashion at times.

  3. Epidemiologists must try to assesss the risk of an unknown new virus like this one. Until they are able to do that they need to take precautions just in case a problem develops. Once a serious problem has gone out of control it is more difficult to reign it in. Fortunately, this virus has so far not caused more catastrophic disease than the better known varieties of the flu virus. We can only hope that it stays that way. There was reason for caution but there was no reason for panic. Now can we go back to life as usual please.

  4. Unfortunately, the Swine Flu media hype is just the tip of the iceberg. Anymore, in a thousand ways, the media has the citizenry brainwashed with worry and fearful victimhood. As H.L.Mencken said decades ago: “The whole purpose of practical politics [and now, also, the media] is to keep the populace alarmed, and hence clamorous to be led to safety, by menacing it with a series of hobgoblins.”

  5. Tens of thousands of people die every day in car accidents, but those stories don’t sell newspapers. Governments and the media need to back off and just leave people alone. A little hygiene goes a long ways.

  6. A certain amount of caution is prudent with any new disease, but the news media certainly went overboard in this case without getting proper facts and figures, and without regard to the consequences. Thousands of people were inconvenienced because of what was broadcast, and many others hurt irrevocably financially. More people die worldwide from all other flu strains than died from the A/H1N1 Swine Flu. Before starting a panic, know what you are talking about. I am tired of hearing the media crying “Wolf” when none is present.

  7. A certain amount of caution is appropriate with any new disease strain. But I think that the news media certainly went out of their way to make this sound like the end of the world. Facts were not verified, numbers were grossly overstated, and thousands of people were inconvenienced for no reason. Many more people die every day from other forms of flu virus than from the A/H1N1 Swine Flu. Yes, things could have been worse, but the news has to be reported in a reasonable and truthful manner for everyone’s sake.

  8. Evans Harrell

    Better to be a bit overly cautious and suffer the media hype than to ignore what could eventually become a major problem. Since it’s the same, or nearly so, strain that killed many in 1918 it pays to take precautions and do the research.

  9. Over-hyped? Yes. Necessarily over-hyped? Yes as well!

    Swine-flu has emerged in one part of the world, whereas bird flu emerged in Southeast Asia. The fear that if they both meet in the same person, then might mutate into something as contagious as the swine flu, but as deadly as the bird flu.

    This might be coming in as early as September/October 2009. So while there is no real fear today, awareness should be raised, and the CDC’s (and WHO’s) mechanisms are being tested today, and hopefully the flaws will be addressed by Fall of 2009…

  10. Over-hyped.

    The price we pay for the need to fill time by 24-hour news networks. That’s not say it couldn’t have been real, but the news no longer reacts to the facts, it assumes them and then back-tracks when required.

  11. Only the press (and others seeking to make a quick buck) can’t accept that a potential global threat has to be dealt with seriously and aggressively; if it turns out to be less than a catastrophe, they attack those responsible and accuse them of over-reaction; if it goes bad, they attack saying that not enough was done, and a more serious problem should have been anticipated.

    It would be great if some leadership were shown in a press organization so there would be somewhere to turn for rational analysis. Unfortunately, that probably would appeal to the rednecks that go for the sensational crap.

  12. Paula Gjerstad

    I’m a nurse and a nursing instructor, aand I can only say that swine flu is a real threat, just like the usual seasonal flu (although so far it seems to kill fewer people). It is of great importance that people WASH THEIR HANDS FREQUENTLY!! This is true at home or while traveling. I’m sure no one is aware of how many times a day we touch our face or mnouth with hands that have touched many different things beforehand. Rigorous hand washing, along with common sense, should protect people from most illnesses passed by contact.

  13. Definitely over-hyped — the media are destroying day by day whatever credibility they might still have.

    But of course, we previously have taken reasonable precautions Just In Case, including laying in a supply of hand sanitizing gel so when panicky consumers clear it off all shelves we’ll still be protected. (This fits in with other sensibe measures like having a supply of clean drinking water and some canned goods.)

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