April’s Mobal Members’ Travel Tips

1. Book separately to earn bonus miles

We’ve noticed that when booking a flight for our family under one reservation, some airlines will only credit the 1,500 bonus miles to the person whose name the reservation is under.  This is regardless of whether the other family members have mileage accounts.  To avoid this, make separate reservation for each family member, and then pick seats together.

Ed Pearce, Dexter, Mich.

2. A beach ball can replace many expensive in-flight gadgets

Depending on how much you inflate it, the ball can function very comfortably as a footrest, back support, or as a lap pillow to support your book.

Ed Perun, Sioux City, Iowa

3. Research any local auto insurance requirements before renting a car

With two of our last three car rentals, the local branch wanted documentation beyond the standard insurance card issued by our insurance company.  In San Juan, we were delayed half an hour while the agent made phone calls to verify that our liability insurance was good in Puerto Rico.  In Miami, if we hadn’t provided proof that our insurance covered rental cars, we would have been charged a daily collision insurance fee.  Fortunately, we knew ahead of time and took a copy of the pertinent section of our policy.  We were using a credit card that included car rental insurance, but proof of that cover was also required.

Dorothy Pileggi, San Francisco, Calif.

4. Put your bathing suit in your carry-on

There’s nothing worse than not being able to swim because you made it to your hotel but your luggage didn’t.  If your suit is still damp for the flight home, again, put it in your carry-on so it won’t get moldy if your bags are delayed.

Dori Plewak, Leawood, Kans.

5. There’s yet another use for those old contact lens cases

They can store the last bit of lipstick or concealer that can be scooped out of the bottom of the tube.  Sure beats wasting it.  The case is watertight and holds just enough for a weekend trip.

Deb Porch, Lanoka Harbour, N.J.

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1 thought on “April’s Mobal Members’ Travel Tips”

  1. I tried the beach ball, but it takes so much time to inflate and even longer to deflate that I thought its use was quite impractical. I do like my inflatable back pillow and inflatable neck pillow though.

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