Mobal Communications has recycled 20,000 discarded bicycles from the UK Royal Mail and donated to a rural township in Malawi. To date, the UK-based mobile phone provider has distributed over $10 million through its charity, The Krizevac Project, which creates opportunities for education, jobs and has recently completed the Mother Teresa Children’s Centre in this rural Malawi township. These bikes are refurbished by Malawi villagers and sold to others, thereby creating jobs and providing dependable transportation for its purchaser.

The company has also purchased and shipped two brand-new Suzuki Jimmys, which are being used to transport sick children to hospitals and source much-needed supplies for the Children’s Centre.
Using the philosophy “teach a man to fish, and he eats for life,” Mobal has been putting money into Malawi for 7 years, transforming this rural township into a thriving, self-sufficient community by providing vocational opportunities and enterprises to the residents.
Mobal’s CMO Jared Owen saw a great opportunity when the British postage system phased out the Royal Mail Bikes. “Dependable transportation in the form of a bike can completely transform a family in rural Malawi. The funds from the sales of these refurbished bikes go directly to the children’s center and are changing the lives of these kids, so it’s a win-win situation.”

Mobal Chairman, Tony Smith, smiles broadly as he speaks about the new arrivals, “I’m passionate about making sure the equipment fits its purpose, whether it’s the right phones for American travelers or the right vehicles for this African children’s center. The lightweight Suzuki Jimmys are probably the most economical 4X4 off-roaders going; they’re supported by local dealers and will mean needy children are well served.”

Through the Krizevac Project, Mobal has set out to transform 15 of the neediest communities, each in a different African country. As Smith explains, “Mobal customers are helping some of the poorest people in the world when they purchase our product.”
To learn more about Mobal and the Krizevac Project visit: Our Story.
There are many thousands of unused Ofo Bikes laying around which could make a huge difference if they were shipped to Africa. ☺
I think your sharing is awesome and what you are doing for the poor in Malawai. Our church here in Texas also does work in Africa and supports a missionary and his wife, in Chad, Africa who provide for the material and spiritual lives of all around him. What a blessing your work is to these people. Thank goodness for your heart and generousity to the people of Malawi.